The mirroring effect identifies and amplifies illusion
Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Alignment Overview
Developed from the ancient and traditional whole-being practices of Egypt, India, China and Native Peoples that are ever-so relevant today. An MBS Alignment is a holistic mind, body and spiritual alignment series that includes private consultations to infuse meaning and deepen purpose, optimize eating habits and physical health, while igniting neural pathways of the mind conducive of desired outcomes. The program series are: a 21-Day Unique Plan (guided or self-guided), the 28-Day Interactive Program, or the 77-Day Transformative group labs.

An MBS Alignment is a development of practices, through integration, awareness and assessment, that bring the mind, body and spirit into alignment with an optimized whole, healthy and vibrant life. It is a conscious decision to raise your vibration by taking action towards your most potent-self. Some may find them-self at the crossroads of change because deep down you know you deserve better and that you can do better. As each time you return to that intersection the results of previous choices induce more intensity and less joy. An MBS Alignment is a power-filled choice-in-harmony.

If you are an individual that has tried numerous times to develop positive practices yet continue to fall off the path. Then beat yourself up instead of loving yourself up. If you are continuously falling short of procuring habits that embody wellness or potentially you have been successful at embracing some good habits yet still have one long-lasting habit. Or you may have a few habits / conditions that need to be dissolved. Your body deserves to be stronger, your mind serves you best when aligned with the true needs of the body. Influenced by the greater consciousness of all possibilities, manifested into reality through the practice of purification, harmony and self-love. This alignment supports you in identifying patterns and cycles, uplifting your frequency to consciously take action and harness a desired shift. The MBS Alignment is a decision to participate fully in a life that is not a “style”. If you want to know how to live in genuine equanimity, in flow on the daily, then an MBS Alignment will illuminate the path of a vibrant synergistic thrive.

Here is a basic summary of the MBS Alignment process:
- Insight Intake & Consultation
- Development of Unique Plan and/or identification of optimum Program
- Daily and Weekly Attributes are conveyed through a Plan/Program Guide, an interactive SMS like Slack, live consultation (in-person, video chat or by phone) and follow-up assessment to include, at-will, monthly Group Transformative check-ins to maintain or reignite the path
- Each Alignment path includes: proven methods of mapping and re-patterning the mind through self-awareness techniques, journaling and cyclical assessment, combined with affirmations, sonic therapy and breathwork. Identifying habits and thought patterns that do not serve the greater whole, dissolving and replacing with optimized principles of healthy habits. The body will enliven through nutrient-filled weekly menus and recipes, hydration and natural energy boost techniques. Equipped with an arsenal of movement, low-impact core / full-body strengthening and toning metamorphosizing routines. Each designed for the ease of daily integration. Longevity in life is consummated with spirit-fueled practice in mindfulness, inspired by appreciation in action. In the form of prayer, meditation, cleansing and clearing. By embodying the combined attributes arranged in the MBS Alignment Plan/Program a shift in consciousness awakens the most authentic-self. The authentic-self is genuine to all that proliferates life, aligned with harmony, synergy, and the natural cycles of absolute truth (Law of One). Each attribute is offered with genuine and pure intention of the most clear and high-minded vibration. All supported by succinct ancient practices and holistic science.
- The alignment is transmitted over time, in phases, to optimize integration as not to burden yet motivate through natural ability to digest and practice delivered attributes
- Phase One: Introduce Attributes, Tune Up and Cleanse
- Phase Two: Revitalize and Nourish = Power Up
- Phase Three: Optimize Lifestyle Integration
- Inspiration and Maintenance through Check-ins (one-on-one) and Transformatives (group labs)
- Safety precautions are of the utmost priority, any protocol, process or plan is available for review and will be communicated prior implementation

Good question! A Plan is a unique set of attributes developed specific to your design. Each plan is revealed through a series of conversations with your Guide. Your Unique Plan will deliver a 21-day Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Alignment.

The Program is curated over the course of 28-days in a virtual retreat or small group live retreat setting. Each will be guided through a 21-day alignment, each participant (Initiate Evolver aka IE) is guided through a general or Unique MBS Alignment Plan. The general MBS plan encompasses all the same attributes yet does not address specific needs of the IE and the unique plan is provided for IE’s that have chosen to receive deepened details about their own patterns and cycles to be transformed.

Speaking of transform…the Transformative is a 77-day process for those who have made the choice to shift a long-lasting cycle or dissolve an addictive pattern that has greatly impeded on their ability to be clear, focused, graceful and energized. The three phases of the MBS foundation is placed into rotation through an interactive setting where attributes are implemented, fulfillment is charted and setbacks are analyzed toward solution to actualize Life Integration. Throughout the 11-weeks IE’s and alumni IE’s (aka EIE) flow the course together. At predetermined points, throughout the transformation, mentor IE’s (aka MIE) are invited to refresh, engage and share their story of how the attributes within a phase generated an aligned Mind-Body-Spirit.

When you choose a Unique Plan, Program or Transformative you are welcomed into a community that is always available to encourage and inspire the Life Integration of a Mind-Body-Spirit Aligned.
There are choices in how you process and place into action the attributes revealed in a 21-day Unique MBS Plan.
> At your own pace, guided during predetermined junctures, virtually
> Virtually guided throughout your Plan within a 28-day Program
> In-person Guided during predetermined junctures (in-home visit or GC campus visit)
> In-person Guided through the entire program while on Revitalization Retreat
> Self-guided with option to receive consultation from a Guide
> Self-guided within a community setting via 77-day Transformative (virtual only)

An MBS Plan/Program contains the following components:
==> Nutritive Filled Menus and Optimized Grocery Bag List (Ayurvedic inspired)
==> Targeted Organ Cleanse(s)
==> Baths & Soaks
==> Breathe Work, Mind Patterning Tools & Energy work, or Body Work (in-person program plan only)
==> A Calibrated Nourishment Plan
==> Physical Strengthen and Tone Movement (Body type derived: endo/ecto/meta morph)
==> Acupressure
==> Hand Mudras
==> Mantras, Affirmations and Axioms
==> Mindfulness Meditation
==> Journaling Exercises

By successfully shifting just one habit that does not serve a holistic nature, a doorway will open to an awakened self. Once the body is replenished and you are on track with practicing daily rituals that suffice the human condition, your entire life experience will shift. Letting go of distorted (damaging) mind complex patterns will clear space and invite quietness into your vessel to reveal the authenticity of a thriving being once again.
Upon completion of your chosen MBS Alignment the benefits will be at minimum, yet not limited to, more energy, more joy, more flexibility in your body. With increased stamina an aptitude in controlling your mind the skill and technique to alter habits and dissolve urges will be prevalent. You will love yourself deeper, trusting your every move and follow your intuition or plan to bring your dreams into reality as a healthy, happy and whole-being. Ultimately, giving your loved ones and the universe a more vibrant YOU!
Receive a free introductory assessment toward your MBS Alignment today!
Please add revitalized@globalcurandera.com to your contacts to ensure succinct communication.