Everything you will want to know about your guided Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Alignment and options is laid out here. The difference between a 21-Day plan, 28-Day or 77-Day program is rooted within your commitment level to wellness balanced by your will to transform. Get ready to program your life according to your desire.
Whichever stage you are in, congratulate yourself for showing up to a more vibrant life. The MBS Alignment is designed to provide you with the tools to metamorphosis your divine vessel into the being you came here to be. Potent, aware and adaptable. Ever-expanding.

The MBS Alignment Plan
Is a 21-Day Plan that is developed specific to your human-design (body type and biological requirements). Through ancient holistic practices, backed by the spirit of science, and current regenerative therapies your personalized plan transmits attributes that can be integrated into your life bit-by-bit until your life operates from a foundation of wellness in your body (clean eating and vitality of movement), clarity of the mind and joy-filled through the depths of spirit alignment with the absolute creator, tapping into the power of the unseen. Principles of truth, whole-living formulas and the laws of nature comprise the values observed in an MBS Alignment.
Each 21-Day Plan contains a road map to nutritive clean-foods complete with recipes, HIIT (high-intensity interval training), isolated movement, stretching, free-form dance and ancient fluid movement sets. For the mind, each week is structured to optimize success for life-integration. This includes healthy thought pattern activities, frequency charging arrangements to raise your vibration and affirmations to guide thoughts. This enhances the mind-body connection. Specific acupressure points, cleanses (internal and external, plant-based remedies and mindfulness to hone and increase your energy. With the approach of gratitude, kindness and an open heart the spirit is naturally lifted.
Your unique details are collected during a consultation and intake questionnaire. The determining factors will reveal your dosha / body type that give way to biological, psychological and spiritual pathways succinct to a thriving life. The delivery of your MBS Alignment 21-Day Plan will provide an awakened road map to your renewed journey in living. If you choose to go deeper into the thought patterns and habits that you desire to shift. The 21-Day Plan can be utilized as the blueprint for the 77-Day Transformative.

Why 21 Days?
Science has shown it takes 15 times to desire something and 21 days allows for an additional 7 days to digest and integrate aligned wellness into your life. Psychology Today confirms that habit forming is fairly simple especially with small specific actions. Each day is strategically developed to maximize integration through adding onto small actions incrementally and repetition combined with reminders and self-rewarding actions. The real secret is to bring your subconscious thoughts to the surface to be recognized in a conscious present-filled state. Every time you say “I see you” to a damaging action / habit and activating an immediate desirable replacement. The cultivation of advancement becomes tenaciously compacted by acknowledgement that you are fulfilled in the preferential action. The reward is positive vibes resulting from the self-acknowledgement, and motivation from your Life-guide, which produces dopamine. Once the dopamine floods your feelings the mind makes note of the experience and will gain a more power-filled voice each time desirable meets damaging tie and time again. The most excitable result is that each time you choose the desired action it dissolves the good feelings that come with the old habit and produces transmits the positive vibes to the aligned action becoming a mindful habit. The number three can be found throughout the offerings of GloCura, the inspiration, the vision, the action, the yin the yang the chi, the mother the father the holy spirit, the atom, the nucleus, the cell, the shell, the lining, the yolk, the embryo…youth, adulthood, the golden years. These sacred numbers combined with the uniquely curated plans hold the formula to seed a fruitful life according to your desires.
Blueprint: 21-Day Plan
Each 21-day Plan comes equipped with a personalized road map to shape positive habits, dissolving negative habits. By integrating models, techniques and tools that tone, sharpen and harmonize the mind and body with affirmations, hemi-sync and cleansing. Your daily routines will be transformed into a sacred platform of purpose-filled living. With 3-weeks of menus and recipes, grocery bag list, HIIT movement, cleanses, rituals, spiritual practices and thought programming tools you’ll be equipped to journey the path to a renewed life.
What is a Life-guide?
A Life-guide is a lighthouse to any aspect of life that you require support to realize and actualize fulfilling experiences. At times sharing information, showing how to integrate new ways of being, cheering you on to the finish line, . Ultimately, listening to you and reflecting your optimized choices through the revelation of your inner-guide. Your inner-guide always knows best, often times this trust is clouded. A Life-guide holds space, shares space and illuminates requisite awareness.
To be fulfilled in anything that life is only you can complete steps. If another completes a step for you, you will certainly be faced with repeating the step with more intensity until you abide on your own accord. The beauty of having a Life-guide on your team is the succinct mirroring that illuminates your effort in staying the path.
By choosing to be guided through your personalized plan. You will gain support from Global Curandera’s founding Life-guide, Christina Perez. She will provide daily and weekly reminders, give deeper insight on an attribute or explain how to be fulfilled in each attribute laid out in your 21-Day Plan. Plus you receive scheduled weekly consultations to ensure that you are able to maximize satisfaction. Live-support is available at your request. Plus a full year of, 24-hour, access to the #GloCura library of videos, podcasts and literature to ensure your ability to maintain the path.
The MBS Alignment Program
Is a 28-Day Program designed to immerse and interact. Succinct insight motivation and inspiration is enlivened within a community pod online environment.
For this self-guided program you will adopt one of the general body type / biological doshas MBS Plans. A simple questionnaire will assist in determining a favorable plan for you to fulfill the 28-day program.
Why 28 Days?
Twenty-eight days is a lunar cycle. A completion of a natural occurrence. By following the course of a satellite, as it circles Earth, we crystallizes the magnetism and energy that comes with the length of time is accordance with a trusted cycle. True farmers and growing cycles also follow the moons lead. Given that the MBS Alignment Plan is 21-days we allow the additional seven days for a blossoming effect. This 28 day cycle is cultivated to echo through repetition until desired outcomes become natural behavior and new habits are formed.
Blueprint: 28-Day Program
Putting your 21-Day Plan to work
-> week one: increase nutritive intake and minimize hard to digest foods, set a physical activity routine that targets problem areas
-> week two: introduce activities and routines that are conducive to desired outcomes, physical cleanse
-> week three: increase awareness and infuse spiritual awakening rituals, energetic cleanse
-> week four: optimized menu, distilled routines and rituals that generate desired behaviors and habits
The MBS Alignment Transformative
To transform multiple aspects of life simultaneously with the support of activated set and setting. By successfully shifting just one habit that does not serve, you will open the doorway to an awakened self. Once the body is replenished and you are on track with practicing daily rituals that harmonize, your entire life experience will shift. We say ritual instead of routine because it is about consciousness. By bringing our action to the present and being mindful about what we do we give them importance, when we ritualize an action is becomes enlivened, potent. Routines can be helpful once aligned with gratitude. Letting go of distorted (damaging) mind complex patterns will clear space and invite quietness into your vessel to reveal the authenticity of a thriving being once again.
Why 77 Days?
Seven eleven day cycles or eleven seven day cycles. Eleven is the number of balance supreme harmony and seven is the number of transformation and spiritual healing. This number also coincides with the cycle of repetition necessary to cultivate the forming of a habit, allowing it to set in, long lasting.
Blueprint: 77-Day Transformative
Utilizing your unique 21-Day Plan
An online MBS Alignment community will engage a culture of support and celebration throughout the program. Enabling each participant to experience fulfillment towards desired outcomes, fueling your life with sacred fire and passionate purpose.
-> week one: increase nutritive intake and minimize hard to digest foods, set a physical activity routine to include a 3-song dance party, initiate daily journaling
-> week two: introduce activities and routines that are conducive to desired outcomes
-> week three: increase awareness and infuse spiritual awakening rituals, commence gratitude practice
-> week four: optimize menu, distill routines and rituals that generate desired behaviors and habits
-> weeks five and six: initiate a series of physical cleanses, appreciate your body as a sacred vessel
-> weeks seven and eight: initiate a series of energetic cleanses, appreciate your surroundings as sanctuary
-> week nine: craft an agreement with yourself to carry forth
-> week ten: plan a full week of MBS Aligned practices and celebrate new habits formed with spiritual practices
-> week eleven: calendar wellness days and plan for a revitalization retreat or a mindfulness retreat