You’ve just had the most extraordinary experience and holding on to the good stuff or learning from the ills is key to growth. From epic road trips to bossy co-workers …

Integration and Practice, Oh YES!

What’s The Difference? Exploring blends, tinctures, elixirs and more
Along your holistic practices and wellness rituals it is natural that you have acquired or learned to make oil blends of your favorite essentials or possibly you’ve gained interest in …

Unique Essential Oil Blends, Tonics, Tinctures and Elixirs
GloCura is teaming up with Just Alchemy™ Guild again! Each in-person session at the Self-heal Sanctuary is enhanced with Everything’butter, the full spectrum coconut oil infusion, to dissolve tension, deliver …

A Constellation of stArs
It has become customary to give and in cases receive thumbs up, smiley faces, hearts and stars. To show acknowledgment, give praise or tip your hat towards someone or something …

Explore Resonance Therapy™
Dynamic news!!! I have secured a self-heal sanctuary in San Diego! The demand for full sensory treatments have prompted a dedicated space. I’m listening and taking action… For the month …

How do you measure being safe?
Envisioning that this post finds you well and thriving. Today there is much energy in the arena of safety, as it has been most heightened over the past 19+ months, …

Culmination To Now!
We are beyond honored to enter this adventure of supporting individuals groups and community to harness the power that resides within. We vow to support and guide toward the root …