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Open Seasons

summer, fall and spring

As simple as it gets! Christina Perez, founder of Global Curandera, is opening up the Reiki portals direct to you. Receive 30 minutes of energy work and join the Self-heal Collective in a virtual LIVE healing experience. All you have to do is be in the most comfortable position with all your favorite cozy things around you, with a mug of herbal tea or your flask of water and CHILL. Lay back and RECEIVE. (headphones recommended, bring your crystals and stones to be simul-charged)

Happening the first Wednesday of October, ~bi-weekly, through Winter Solstice. 7:00 p.m. pacific time. (starts prompt). The 2022 dates have passed, yet will happen again in 2023 and beyond.

2022 DATES
10/5, 10/19, 11/2, 11/16, 11/30, 12/21

Login to your Instagram account and go to @globalcurandera to join the Instagram LIVE.
Some dates will be live-casted via a private video platform. Notification and link will be amplified on the IG profile (story). To ensure a succinct juncture for all who aim to join.

Collective Guidelines
1) be open to receive
2) be kind
3) be love